Piano Hack #5 – 6 Chords To Play 100s Of Songs
You can very quickly create 6 of the most common chords from the C major scale. Simply take the chord shape of the C major chord and move it up the C major scale from steps 1 to six.
This way you form 6 chords:
Rock Piano Soloing
Rock Piano – Fast Sixteenth Notes
Knowing some basic chord shapes can unlock many possibilities. One is to play chord tones as fast sixteenth notes. The effect is great, while the playing is rather simple.
A rock piano solo pattern with arpeggios
In the following example, just move the same chord shape up and the keyboard [...]
Rock Piano with Slash Chords
A very powerful yet simple element to use when playing rock piano is slash chords. This means that you play a chord over a different bass note than its root. So while you would normally play a C [...]